marți, 8 ianuarie 2013



Cand ai nevoie de mine, cauta-ma in linistea noptii tale. Te-as trimite langa luna, printre stele ca sa iti asculte vocea…ti-as lumina chipul, reflectandu-ti in privire o suava briza a marii. Cand ai nevoie de mine, cauta-ma in murmurul vantului. Asculta notele lui musicale…si ele iti vor vorbi. 
Cand ai nevoie de mine, cauta-ma in largul marii si arunca toate temerile tale…eu le voi lua si le voiascunde. Cand ai nevoie de mine, cauta-ma in munti. Ti-as croi un drum numai pentru tine, pe care poti ajunge pana in varf, pentru a-mi urma pasii in viata. Imi poti dezvalui toate dorintele si imi poti vorbi despre fericirea ta.
Cand ai nevoie de mine, trebuie doar sa inchizi ochii, sa te gandesti la mine si sa-mi dai voie sa patrund in viata ta. Lasa-ma sa invat din tacerea ta tot ce tu visezi. Nu trebuie sa ma chemi. Intotdeauna voi fi aici, cu tine. Oriunde a-i vrea sa vin cu tine, nu-mi spune absolut nimic. Trebuie doar sa ma simti…
Voi fi printre stele…in murmurul vantului, in largul marii, in visele tale, in mangaierile tale, in lacrimile tale …

When you need me, looking me in the silence of your night. I send you next month, the stars listen to your voice ... I'd light image, reflecting on a suave you in the sea breeze. When you need me, looking me in the wind murmur. Listen to musical notes ... and they will talk to you.
When you need me, find me at sea and throw all your fears ... I'll take them and they will hide. When you need me, find me in the mountains. I would break away only for you, you can get to the top, to follow the steps in my life. Can you reveal all desires and can you talk about your happiness.
When you need me, just close your eyes and think of me and give me permission to enter your life. Let me learn from your silence everything you dream of. No need to call me. I'll always be here with you. Wherever you want to go with you, do not say anything. I just feel ...
I'll be among the stars ... the murmur of the wind, at sea, in dreams, in caresses your in your tears ...

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